Get someone you love back into the shed to build their own board or make it easier for them to build their own board in a Bodhi Tree Surfboards Workshop of their choice.
DIY voucher kit includes the frame, fin fixings, leash plug, breather plug, and pdf instruction manual to build at home, and a Bodhi Tree Surfboards cap. Please allow up to 4 weeks for kit delivery depending upon availability once they've recieved it and placed their order.
We have various designs and sizes of boards from 5 to 8ft from which can create almost any design or style of board, with a voucher your lucky someone gets to decide that for themself, or they get a $300 credit towards a workshop where we will step them through build from go to YEEEEEEW!
Just to keep things fair there's a limit of 2 voucher credits per build.
The voucher is valid for 12 months but can be extended upon request, the voucher is non refundable but is transferable.
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